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Fee schedule

Welcome to all people. Also a warm welcome to agents of CSIS, RCMP, other agents of government, and other corporate agents as this Fee Sched...

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Well here it is xmas eve. Don't know what's going on with this world. It seems to get crazier everyday with human rights violations by the establishment increasing daily it seems with little or no notice by the majority of the population. I do not know what it will take to rouse people from their slumber but if they do not stir soon they will have lost all rights and will be nothing more than cattle to be prodded, imprisoned or killed at the establishments whim.
Here in Canada Heir Harper the War Criminal and conspirator in Crimes Against Humanity sees it as necessary to jail non violent drug offenders with mandatory sentences. Tough on crime as long as you are not a true criminal as is Heir Harper and his cronies in Government and Law Enforcement. Hopefully judges of our land will see justice done in these cases by refusing to hear them or if they do to dismiss them with prejudice. I won't hold my breath waiting for this to happen as the court system appears to be totally corrupted.