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Fee schedule

Welcome to all people. Also a warm welcome to agents of CSIS, RCMP, other agents of government, and other corporate agents as this Fee Sched...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lieberals fall ?

Looks like Christy the lying criminal Lieberal pretend Premier of BC is in danger of being overthrown by the other lying criminal Lieberals. There is a new prison being built in Oliver, BC, hopefully it will have enough room to house all the lying thieving politicians in Victoria and Municipalities throughout the Province. While cleaning house there are a few if not many RCMP that need to grace the inside of a prison.

When are the decent honest Policemen and Policewomen going to get fed up with their good names being besmirched by these rogue officers and start to arrest them and the criminal politicians. Come on people do your jobs and save our and your province and country.

Supreme Court case

Common Law right to transfer land without registration safe from charge against previous owner/current registered owner in land registry

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Good court recording
